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Tickets will also be available at the Aurora Farmers Fair October 2nd to October 5th.

Drawing will be held October 6th at 1PM on Facebook Live. 

1 for $5.00 or 5 for $20.00

You can now Venmo us @SDYBS-Aurora!

Please include your name & phone number. 

We will be raffling off a beautiful hand-crafted oak hope chest. Included in the chest will be a gorgeous handmade quilt and small fall themed gift basket.

Hand-crafted by Kenny Cotton

Donated by Kenny & Verna Cotton

In loving memory of Amy & Jenny Cotton

Quilt handmade by Tina Disbro

Basket donated by Tina Disbro


We will be donating a percentage of all proceeds to the Jenny Cotton Memorial Scholarship Fund. 

Please call or text for tickets!

Bradley Disbro- President- 812.532.0741

Joshua Haring- Vice President- 513.582.9713

Thomas Cheek- Secretary- 812.584.4680

Kelly Roberts- Treasurer- 812.621.2824

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Jennifer Cotton was a well known figure around the Little League baseball fields and many knew her as "Coachette Jenny".  She was the Little League scorekeeper and treasurer for many years.  She was very involved with her boys whether it be soccer or baseball.  Besides being the go to person when it comes to anything baseball, she was involved in her community as a member of Aurora Tri-Kappa and a Province Officer.  She was a talker and didn't know a stranger.  If you came to know her, you were truly blessed.  

Amy Cotton was always helping others. She was a South Dearborn High School graduate in 1991. Sadly, she passed away shortly after in 1994. She was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma at the age of 19. She understood her outcome and never once complained. She wanted to help others so once all else failed, she signed up for experimental chemotherapy. She died just 5 short days after starting it after fighting for a total of 7 and a half months. She was beautiful, kind, and thoughtful. She was always on the side of the underdog. Loved her family passionately, especially her nieces and nephew. Amy would be so proud of her dad for donating these hope chests to help others.

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